Stretch mark sufferers frequently search the internet for the best stretch mark cream and stretch mark home remedy. This article will discuss an easy stretch mark home remedy and best stretch mark cream remedy that you can immediately implement in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Keep reading to get instant access to over 50 stretch mark home remedies and best stretch mark cream home remedies.
Though stretch marks affect millions of people worldwide, the good news is that they are not a medical condition that affects the actual health of its sufferers.
Here are some of the more generally accepted ‘hormonal' or endocrine ‘causes' for developing stretch marks:
1. depression
2. unhappiness
3. negative emotions
4. puberty
5. vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
6. pregnancy
7. physical and environmental condition changes
8. rapid weight fluctuations
9. steroid and medication use
10.insufficient collagen and elastin in the skin
There are a number of options for stretch mark removal including laser stretch mark removal. However, the best stretch mark remedy does not have to necessarily be the most expensive.
Try this stretch mark home remedy:
Ground coffee into a powder and just mix it with regular hand lotion. Rub this lotion into your skin for about 1 minute twice a day, wiping off the coffee grounds with a moist warm hand towel
Try this possible best stretch mark cream remedy:
Put half cup virgin olive oil, quarter cup aloe vera gel, the liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin e and liquid from 4 capsules of Vitamin A (avoid if pregnant) into a blender and store mixture in fridge.
If stretch marks are a concern for you then I would suggest you try this possible best stretch mark cream home remedy and stretch mark home remedy recipes above. For fast, instant access to an extensive collection of over 50 stretch mark home remedies for removing stretch marks visit the website below.
Copyright 2007. Wait! Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks is not the only option. I have over 50 home remedies for stretch marks which are proven to help get rid of stretch marks and to dramatically reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Access my powerful home remedies for stretch marks now at and live your life free from stretch marks today with free access to natural solutions and stretch mark removers!
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High quality info. Keep up the great work.Very Useful blog
So, with being prego and all, I have been very concerned about stretch marks. And no, I am not a superfluous and stuck-up individual who has to have a perfect body Super stretch mark cream
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