Wednesday, December 7, 2011

9 ways to boost your immune system

A well functioning healthy immune system is the key to the prevention and treatment of disease.

Ensure a healthy diet that is varied, high in fiber, low in fat, rich in fruit and vegetables and whole grain and with plenty of fluids and moderate consumption of sugar and salt.

To ensure a guaranteed supply and essential nutrients, include supplement in your daily routines.

Moderate exercise is highly recommended.

Adequate rest to recuperate from physical and mental stress endured daily is a must.

Controlled stress
This can wreak havoc on your immune system. Learn how to balance, discipline and be resilient in all aspects of your life.

Avoid addiction
Alcohol, drugs and smoking are all bad for the immune system. Addictions poison the healthy cell.

Adopting a positive attitude enhances wellbeing.

Be aware of what may be threatening your health in home and work surroundings and take appropriate measures to overcome them.

Medical visit
Periodic health examination by your doctor is essential as serious conditions can be avoided by routine screening and assessment.

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